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Golf & Gospel Partnership

Golf and the Gospel can go together in several ways. A round of golf provides quality time for a believer to plant and water Good News seeds with an unbelieving friend. For Open Door Baptist Missions the annual ODBM Golf Tournament is a means to use golf to help missionaries preach the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches around the world.

Fund raising is fairly common for mission agencies, but the annual ODBM Golf Tournament is much more than that. The finances raised are indeed significant to lowering administrative costs, enabling staff to travel and serve on the fields, and to help with various projects. But the golf tournament has also grown to provide great fellowship and partnership opportunities. We greatly appreciate our staff, volunteers, players, and sponsors all partnering together for the sake of the Gospel.


Kim & Chris Kuhr - ODBM Special Projects Coordinators

Kim & Chris Kuhr served as missionaries in the Netherlands before joining the ODBM staff over ten years ago. Kim served as the Assistant Director and Chris as the Office Manager for several years. Now they serve together as the special projects coordinators. We're so thankful for their selfless service each year to organize and coordinate the golf tournament.


Thank you to the many volunteers serving in our golf tournament.

The annual golf tournament wouldn't be possible without the many volunteers that joyfully give of their time to register golfers, serve food, and facilitate the many aspects of the tournament. All of the volunteers enjoy the fellowship of serving together while actively serving others.


Thank you to the many players who gave and participated in the golf tournament.

This year set a record for the most players in an ODBM golf tournament. They enjoy the fellowship as well, and hopefully some great golf. While they embrace the friendly competition of the best ball tournament, their purpose is for a greater cause. They could play golf anytime or enjoy other kinds of recreation, but they partner with us because they support ODBM's cause: Serving churches and missionaries to impact the nations for His glory!


A special "thank you" to our many sponsors of the ODBM Golf Tournament.

The sponsors are the most behind the scenes and yet critical to the success of the tournament. While they don't receive much attention and most prefer not to play golf, they give generously and graciously to support ODBM's efforts, to encourage missionaries, and to advance the Gospel. The impact of our sponsors' contribution to ODBM is immeasurable.


Thank you to our staff, volunteers, players, and sponsors for making the 2023 Golf Tournament a wonderful success. Most of all, we give thanks to our Lord for His goodness and grace to sustain and bless our efforts for His glory!

- Dave, ODBM Director

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