Our Vision
ODBM’s passion is proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
ODBM operates as a ministry of Morningside Baptist Church and serves missionaries under the authority of their local church. We encourage, serve and support, but don't micro-manage!
ODBM’s vision is to establish fruitful, indigenous churches that obey the Great Commission.
ODBM encourages creative thinking to discover new doors for making disciples.
ODBM’s staff has diverse cross-cultural experience to serve you.
ODBM requires only 4% for administrative services.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of Open Door Baptist Missions is to promote the work of Christ in regions that have been closed to the gospel or that presently have little or no gospel witness. We strive to accomplish this task while the Lord has set before us an open door (Revelation 3:8). This is done through the collective support of local churches.
We stand ready to help Bible-believing churches place their missionary candidates on the field of God’s call. It is our desire to give the Gospel to those who have never heard.
We endeavor to partner with those who are already laboring in the harvest fields and help train those who will be the leaders of tomorrow.