Executive Director, Frontline Missions International
“I’m grateful for the leadership team at Open Door Baptist Mission. Joshua Crockett and David Smith bring a big view of God and His Church to the task of taking this every-tribe-every-tongue Gospel to the ends of the earth. I pray that Open Door will continue to grow more and more as a Gospel force for the glory of our King!”
Director of the Center for Global Opportunities, Bob Jones University
“Open Door Baptist Missions combines visionary leadership with local church emphasis. It promotes indigenized and contextualized missions in ways that fit 21st century realities. The director, David Smith, models successful missionary practice and thoughtful missionary leadership. ODBM is worthy of your consideration and support.”

President of The Wilds Corporation, Inc. and the Director of CampsAbroad
"Open Door Baptist Mission has been a great blessing to our local church. After years of trying to function as both sending church and supporting agency for one of our missionary families, we concluded that we were unable to provide the practical help and direction that they required. ODBM stepped in to handle hands on details like financial reporting, insurance and goal-setting. Above all, they genuinely care about their missionaries. But in all of their assistance, they were careful not to usurp our role as the sending church. They have achieved the delicate balance for which every mission board should strive and we are grateful to them for maintaining such a gracious and deferential spirit."
Senior Pastor, Morningside Baptist Church, Greenville, SC
“Church history teaches that when Christians lose a heart for missions, their children lose a heart for Christianity. At Open Door Baptist Missions, we believe the responsibility of missions belongs to the local church, not a para-church mission board. So we partner with local churches for the advance of the gospel. We are thankful that God is using our partnership to see Christ preached, churches planted, and believers discipled in gospel-deprived countries. We desire to spread God’s fame to unreached people groups and creative-access countries. We want our children to see that a faith worth living for is a faith worth dying for.”