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News From Peru

Update from Emily Snodgrass serving in Peru

In my small class of young ladies there are four new believers. There is one more but between her work schedule and baptism classes, she has only been able to join the class once. All five are eager to learn and are hungry for God’s Word! There are also a few young ladies who are professing believers who often come. I've been able to visit some of them in their homes, and many of them have come to my apartment. Two of the girls come for weekly one-on-one discipleship classes. Please pray all of the girls would develop the habit of coming on time for our Sunday morning class since we have our Bible study during the first hour.

I've been encouraged by my Bible college students’ course work this semester. It's the fourth year I've taught the Women’s Ministries course, and it's the smallest class I’ve taught, yet these girls have had the best progress of all. Second semester (August-December), I'll be teaching a new course on Classroom Management. I'm praying this course will be helpful for our students as they teach different classes in their churches.

I’m thankful to be living on the Bible college campus. My living room has become a counseling room, where after being there one month I've witnessed tears, confession of sin, and repentance. I've listened to and answered questions about God, seen eyes light up with understanding, and ministered God’s Word. I’ve also invited the young ladies from the Bible college and from the church to come paint their nails, eat, and to spend time in conversation. My guest bedroom has helped young ladies who needed a place to sleep for the night, and my refrigerator rescued a friend's groceries because the electricity went out in her apartment. This space at this location has already made my ministry more effective.

Our church hosted a youth fellowship, which had the largest turn-out for an event of its kind in Trujillo. We were expecting about 200 young people but ended up with over 300! God is at work, and lives are being changed. Please keep praying for us!

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