INDONESIA - the Emerald of the Equator
Indonesia consists of 17,000 islands (over 6,000 inhabited) covering over 3,000 miles of the South Pacific seas. One church, a bright light in the midst of darkness, recently celebrated its 27th anniversary and continues to advance the Gospel throughout this massive country. National missionaries have faithfully ministered through establishing a Bible college, orphanages, Christian schools, and planting churches throughout Indonesia.
Design with Ease
A village church plant in Indonesia
Several years ago, a young man named JT lived on a remote island. While visiting a large city, he heard the Gospel from a young evangelist and embraced the Good News. He began a journey to learn and live God's Word. The church and missionaries encouraged and discipled JT. Returning to his island, JT devoured books, tracts, website articles, and various other materials, and became fervent in witnessing to others.
A Bible college in Indonesia
JT was looking for someone to help him start a Bible preaching church, but due to the remoteness of his small island, this "macedonian call" was left unanswered for some time. JT started preaching the gospel, first to his family members, and also to surrounding people. His teaching convinced dozens of people to leave churches that don't teach the Bible. JT remained in contact with the missionaries, asking for guidance whenever he encountered hard questions or to deepen his understanding of various Bible doctrines.
A mature urban church ordaining and commissioning missionaries to spread the Gospel throughout the Indonesian islands
The missionaries and the “mother” church recently sent a mission team to JT's island. They conducted a 2-day Bible seminar. Although the number of participants was not high, those who came heard in depth Bible teaching and preaching.
Map demonstrating the Unreached People Groups (red dots) throughout Indonesia (source:
Four people were baptized, and one of them was confirmed for the ministry. Originally 7 people were preparing for baptism, but in a preview of the type of opposition that they would face, one of them called his mother early Sunday morning, telling her that he was about to be baptized. His mother angrily told him that he would no longer be her son if he were to be baptized. So he postponed his baptism, fearing that his mother would self-harm if he continued. The missionaries are praying for this person and encouraging him, and asking God to confirm him in the faith in the midst of trials. Another two baptismal candidates are still teenagers, and the missionaries want to ensure that they truly understand the Biblical teaching and give evidence of salvation.
The Devil is not happy that a biblical church was planted on this island and there are recent reports that a "unified" movement in the area to oppose the new church. Pray for God's protection to JT and the new church. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower the Gospel preaching and that revival will break out on this small island and spread across Indonesia.
ODBM Director with missionaries serving in Indonesia - names and specific details are reserved for security reasons